Electronic Safe Lock


The Sargent and Greenleaf Model 6120 electronic safe lock makes it easy to upgrade your safe with secure features and functionality without sacrificing convenience.

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Our easy-to-use electronic safe locks combine proven functionality with a wide range of options that balance convenience and control. Easy to install or retrofit, The Sargent and Greenleaf Model 6120 electronic safe lock simplifies security upgrades for your safe. Model 6120 is EMP-resistant, and is perfect for commercial safes or home gun safes.

The Sargent and Greenleaf electronic safe locks are motor-driven and offer one-step operation for convenient use and easy management.

Product Features


Single control operating mode

Nine codes available: 1 master, 8 user

Management reset code



Time delay 1-9 minutes

Penalty lockout


Two-year limited warranty from date of shipment


Product Options

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Compare Clear
Number of Codes
Dual Control
Time Delay (in minutes)
Centrally Controlled
EMP Resistant
Audit Capability
Number of Audit Events
Smartphone Compatible
Number of Wheels
False Gates
Wheel Case Material

Documents & Specs



Model 6120_6123 Installation Instructions
Model 6120_6123 Installation Instructions


Popular Resources

Part Numbers

Part Number Material Description
6123-301 Deadlocking Square Bolt lock, field settable MRC (Keypad not included)
6123-310 Deadlocking Square Bolt lock, Factory Set MRC (keypad not included)
6123-501 Spring Bolt Lock, Factory Set MRC (keypad not included)
6123-303 Deadlocking Square Bolt lock, 2-battery satin chrome keypad (batteries not included)
6123-304 Deadlocking Square Bolt lock, 2-battery buffed chrome keypad (batteries not included)
6123-307 Deadlocking Square Bolt lock, 2-battery matte black keypad (batteries not included)
6123-505 Spring Bolt Lock, 2-battery satin chrome keypad (batteries not included)
Model 6120 Part Numbers (.xls)


6120_6123_6128_6129_6106-YXX CoC

One-Battery Keypad

For Electronic Locks

The one-battery keypad is ideal for use with Models 6120, Titan PivotBolt, and Spartan PivotBolt.  The battery is kept in an easy-to-access battery compartment at the base of the keypad to allow for a quick and easy battery change.  

Available Finishes

Part NumberFinishLighted
6120-210Bright ChromeNo
6120-211Bright BrassNo
6120-216Black PlatinumNo
6120-234Bright ChromeYes
6120-235Bright BrassYes
6120-239Satin ChromeYes
6120-240Black PlatinumYes

Two-Battery Keypad

For Electronic Locks

The two-battery keypad is a premium metal input device offering several high-grade finishes.  The keypad snaps onto a non-metallic base featuring an aesthetic and functional reveal. The standard two-battery keypad is unlighted and is often used with Models 6120, 6124, and Titan PivotBolt locks. 

Available Finishes

Part NumberFinish
6120-010Bright Brass
6120-012Bright Chrome
6120-014Matte Black
6120-016 Satin Chrome
6120-04524K Gold

Low-Profile Keypad

Ideal for applications where mounting space is limited, the low-profile keypad is only 1” high (25.4mm) and smaller in diameter (3 ¾” or 95.2mm) compared to other S&G keypads. The low-profile, non-rotating keypad was designed for use with Models 6120, Titan™ PivotBolt and Spartan™ PivotBolt.  The battery is kept in an easy-to-access battery compartment near the top of the keypad.

Available Finishes

Part NumberFinishLighted
6130-400Bright ChromeNo

Auto Relocking Square Bolt

  • Motor-driven
  • High-security applications requiring bolt-work-blocking square bolt locks
  • Motor retracts lock bolt
  • Motor automatically relocks and deadlocks when safe bolt work is extended
  • Withstands 225 lbs. of bolt end pressure
